Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas celebrations

Christmas here was fulfilling in many ways.

We started with Mass at Mbuguas place followed by roasted goat. I learnt the meaning of the phrase 'waste not want not' - and also how different parts of a goat are meant for different family members. i.e the ears and kidneys are for women and the liver and other certain cuts are for the men. I felt like asking if there were and special parts for Mazugoos but dare not, fearing the cultural corner I may back into (the head was still sitting there on the fireplace).

Interesting was the large number of children parading their new suits amoungst the slums. Striding out in front of mum and dad chest out, head high - you could tell from the walk this was the proudest day of their lives so far. Mbugua tells the story that each Christmas his family couldn't afford a present for each child, so they had to pick just 1 (of the 12 brothers and sisters). The members that missed out would share in the glory of the sibling for the next 3 days. Now days his brothers and sisters are living in California, all of them educated enough to get scholarships. It was a special time for them to all return home.

Our second feast of the day entailed a some what more traditional dinner at the Parish here in Kangemi. Run by a Ft from Boston we had the cranberry's, turkey and baked goods like any American normally would. No Ice cream for me though......Oh how I am hanging out!

It is my last full day here today, so last chance for any requests on African products....and yes Nick while I understand everyone else is doing it, and they are so cute, small children cannot get through customs.

The elders filling the goats intestines with blood and partial cooked meat for a traditional sausage.


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