Sunday, December 17, 2006

Hi All,

Sunday again and yet another rest was badly needed. We managed to fit a lot in this morning including a weeks shopping. Walking into a mall designed for westerners here was turning back in time.

Everything had that western touch to it, from the tacky Christmas tunes, to the imaculate shop fronts - it seemed Bondi junction had landed in the middle Nairobis' chaos. It doesn't fit at all. The only way they are able to keep it so imaculate is with a large number of guards, electric fences, and huge, huge prices - something no normal Nairobian would be able to circumvent.

A much large issue to do with money and one that is closer to home is that of sponsorship.

Since being here I have made a few friends (yes believe it or not). Most of these at some point in time have mentioned the lack of education, support and the restrictions imposed by the poverty cycle - earning just enough to fill their families stomachs, no more.

Next is 'if only I had sponsorship - say $1 milloin shillings ($1300) would I be able to........(fill in the blank). I don't know what to do most of the time. At least they haven't asked me straight out, but I feel like I am in a position to do something. We are so rich (if anyone of you thought that you would be happy if you were a millionare, you actually already are - just come here and you could already buy one of the best houses in the richest suburbs, with servants). I feel I should give at least some of this away - it is not like I have ever worked harder than anyone here in Nairobi, ever washed clothes by hand, ever sold coal by the road for a few shllings - most of what I have is because I by the will of God was born in Australia.

Anyway it is food for thought - I still struggle with this, and am trying to see a way in which I can best help these people in need.

I thankyou still for the continuing emails. I will do my best to get back to you in the next few days, after such a hecktic weekend.

Here are some pics from Kibera on friday.......

Godbless, I am thinking of you all,



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