Wednesday, December 13, 2006

My inner-most fears

Things that scare me in Africa.
1. Our compound is home to 2 German shepards that dream of tearing me limb from limb. They salivate and bare all their glistening teeth each time I pass their cage. At night they are set free. It makes for a super quiet sprint to the bathroom (located 15m outside my room) each time I know I cannot hang on any longer. I don my socks, check all is clear and slowly, slowly turn the handle on my heavy wooden door. I haven't been caught yet, but I fear it is only a matter of time.

2. Mosquitos - despite the solid academic advice that Aedes ageypti (the carrier of malaria) do not live at this altitude, the numbers of cases I have seen at the clinic has me ducking for cover, or launching an all out offensive against any flying arthropod.

3. Manduzi -
These delicious wheat based, deep fried surgary triangles hide so much pain. Made by the side of the road on my way to work, Mbugua testifies that the entrepreneurs use the same oil for 2-3 weeks. After my first morning tea at the clinic my stomach told me the same thing.

4. Matutu's - These have already been discussed. Mobile sardine tins - They pose a potential risk to the occupants, other drivers and anyone within a 1km radius.


At December 13, 2006 at 1:31:00 PM PST , Blogger Unknown said...

Ian, I think you'll find the carrier for Malaria is actually anopheles, does that get up there?

At December 14, 2006 at 2:42:00 AM PST , Blogger ian said...

Thanks joel 'The ever present proof reading machine' - you are quite right. Guess they don't come here either, plus they all look the same to me.


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