Tuesday, December 5, 2006



Well flights and arrival were particulary easy on me - although I am sure jet lag will set in soon, so excuse any spelling mistakes.

My first impressions won't be forgotten for a long time.

Primitive is one word for it, but at the same time it fails to describe the joy and happiness everyone has.

The kids playing with a camellion; the smiles as wide as anyones face and the running and laughing.

But then there is the security that points towards impending danger whereever you go......it seems strange. It couldn't be these same people surely?

Mbugua the scholastic (jesuit in training that is organising my stay) found it particulary funny that my parents were fearful of my travels here. Apparently Nairobi is "just like any other city in the world". The road blocks, 24 hour security, 2 german shepards, and razor wire fence needed just for our compound tells me this isn't quiet true.

My work at the clinic starts tomorrow. On average each of the clinical supervisors (there are 4) see 200 patients a day! What is that about Australian doctors being overworked?

JCU would be horrified to hear that there isn't time enough to discuss "How that makes you feel?" types questions. Think all those HIP lectures gone out the window.

I hope you are all well, thanks for all the emails - I will try to get back to you soon,

- ian -


At December 5, 2006 at 9:12:00 AM PST , Blogger Unknown said...

Be safe buddy.


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